Theatre projects

A choreographic exploration of Christian pictorial motifs
In the infinite treasury of Western painting and church decoration, certain pictorial inventions and themes are like visual revenants that continue to shape contemporary pictorial creation and viewing habits. "grace under pressure" is an exemplary stress test in the form of a scenic...

"Confused + Affected," a multimedia performance featuring dance, acrobatics, members of the StadtNsemble, and martial artists in collaboration with choreographers Beate Höhn/co>labs (Nuremberg) and Micha Purucker (Munich). In the newly redesigned Festsaal of the Künstlerhaus, with its adjoining rooms, the audience follows the performers' actions...

"Artificial intelligence, the pinnacle of our technological achievements, was created by people to serve us. Each time we open Spotify or iMusic, AI learns more about us, catering to our needs and desires, while confining us to a predictable world. With the purest intentions and fear of misuse, we have imprinted significantly positive human...

"...die klaviatur unser empfindsamkeit hat eine jeweils sehr individuelle geschichte und prägung. so erweisen sich bestimmte reize lebenslang als notorische wiedergänger. Es entstehen reizmuster, auf die man anspricht, für die man empfänglich ist. das war ausgangspunkt für das stück und darauf beruht seine grammatik. muss man aber nicht wissen… ein...

Does history really repeat itself? Is repetition the mother of wisdom? How to break free from it, and is it worth it? Again? Once more? We're going back. Falling into stereotypes, life loops that are part of our system. A new multimedia dance show in which a quintet of dancers attempts to portray these loops as you may not have...

The premiere of 420PEOPLE's performance entitled Why things go wrong, choreographed by Sylva Šafková and performed by the duo of dancers Michal Heriban and Viktor Konvalinka, was created exclusively for Studio Maiselovka. It raises, through contemporary dance, the unique theme of the (un)moral, ethically challenging nature of human behaviour,...

What movement fits between the bed and the wardrobe? Can you dance a classic variation at the kitchen counter? Or remember the release technique on the balcony? Lock-down. Impossibility to go out, to the ballroom, the theater, meet the audience or other dancers, family or friends.

"My grandmother lived for more than a century. Born under some emperor, she passed away after numerous wars and dictatorships, under the reign of some president. She believed in the soul, love, and life here as well as life after life. Burying her daughter at a tender age, she nurtured me, her granddaughter, in love for life and art," says...

A small, intimate format:
The dynamics of contradictory inner worlds unfold inside a limited space – all dynamics shatter in, on, around the body, while the space remains still – the elements of contextualization situate the dancer situationally, provisionally
in a special moment of time, of memory of films, images, situations...

An existential dance expedition into unspoiled Nature. Uncertainty, mistakes, cracks, scratches. Situations cropped to the bone. Emotions. Scenic multimedia modulation of the habitat of a nameless island on the Jakubský Pond in the village of Poušť, Nymburk district. Who is a human and who is an animal? Terribly live performance.

threads + knots
Purucker's fourteenth production at the old schwere reiter: as the last event at and for this location, the choreographer has invented a performance structure for the hall in which a creaturely approach to movement encounters a rigid spatial structure. The performers find themselves lost in a game whose beginning is forgotten and...

Shakespeare's most exquisite late play unfolds, embracing themes and motifs that captivated the Elizabethan playwright throughout his lifetime: grand love, schemes, revenge, and forgiveness. Yet, it delves into the themes of illusion, reality, and the flow of time. What can the wreckage of a single ship cause? How much wandering on an unknown...

Original theater production exploring the theme of money and its value. What does it really mean to know one's value? Is the topic of money a societal taboo?

Two solos that Micha Purucker has developed for the Slovak dancer Michal Heriban. The foundation is a montage of questions and answers from interviews with deceased artists.