Theatre projects

Gossip blather, slander, misinformation or rumours are a cross-cultural phenomenon of humanity. The power and punch sound of the word uttered in the form of slanderis often more powerful than the gun. It spreads at great speed, it cannot beresisted, it can easily injure, discredit, turn a life around without any physical contact. Slander is faster...

Five dancers speak about the way of physical life that we lead at the beginning of the 21st century. In the shackles of social norms and cultural prohibitions that humanity has created for itself, our current physical life is significantly limited.

"I have changed! You changed me! You all changed me! I present to you a guide on how to reinstall yourself. I am not a machine, so I let myself be carried away. I feel that I have adapted to the conditions, to the environment, to the people around."

Site-specific project. Dance performance by Company elledanse on the Bratislava waterfront. A commemoration of washed-away memories, the strength of family ties, and the coexistence of generations.

Multi-genre performance in the form of a dialogue between a live stage action and videos from the YouTube channel premiered during the FOCUS SLOVAKIA ISRAEL festival. It is an entertaining and provocative format. During the show, the audience has the opportunity to experience both reactions – to the "remake" and to the original YouTube video.

Site-specific project. Dance performance by Company elledanse on the Bratislava waterfront. A commemoration of washed-away memories, the strength of family ties, and the coexistence of generations.