Taj dych / Radoslav Piovarči / elledanse Theatre (SK)


Dance-performative presentation by Company elledanse, where images of the male and female worlds intertwine. Their similarity and differences, conflicts, and at the same time, attractions are explored.

Premiere: 22.5.2013 elledanse Theatre, Bratislava

The performance depicts moments of confrontation but also mutual understanding between these worlds. The second theme is the human personality and its inability to defend itself against external influences. The dominant behavior of an individual triggers unexpected reactions, leading to abstract situations reflecting the unpredictability of real life.

concept and choreography: Radoslav Piovarči

costumes: Mgr.art. Michaela Mokrá

light design : Slavomír Šmálik

producer : Radoslav Piovarči a tím elledanse

performers :
I. cast: Z. Hianiková, M. Šimonová, J. Šuchová, M. Heriban, T. Csizmadia

II. cast: D. Okáliová, Z. Sehnalová, E. Rudinská, M. Heriban, T. Csizmadia

Read more: https://radoslavpiovarci1.webnode.sk/choreography/taj-dych/