Holidays in the Realm of Fairy Tales / Prázdniny v ríši rozprávok / Veronika Pavelková / elledanse Theatre (SK)
To prevent the evil queen from turning fairy-tale beings into television celebrities and to save the world of fairy tales. This is the mission of Alice, a little girl from the future, who plays the main role in the new fairy-tale performance by elledanse Theater, "Holidays in the Realm of Fairy Tales." The fantastic sci-fi show is intended for children aged 5 to 12 and their siblings and parents.

Premiére: 2.12.2012 elledanse Theatre, Bratislava
The elledanse Theater introduces the young audience to the world of fantasy with the story of 11-year-old Alice, whose loose inspiration comes from the cult "Alice in Wonderland." The fairy tale takes place in the near future.
Alice has another holiday ahead of her. Her parents are on a business trip in the solar system, and Mr. Spell teaches her Martian. However, a regular day is disrupted by the news that the evil queen wants to create the most successful TV channel in the universe and involve all fairy-tale beings in it. She wants to destroy their stories, so she burns all the books. Alice knows the most fairy tales of all earthly children, so only she can save the fairy-tale world. She has a day to escape from the allies of the evil queen and seek help in the Ice Ages, where fairy-tale beings lived with humans. She must find the wizard, escape the dragon, not fall from the flying carpet, and not let the genie drown her. Her allies will be Mr. Spell, the wizard Matematix, the Knight, Scheherazade, Sindbad, and the Dwarf.
"Holidays in the Realm of Fairy Tales" brings unconventionality, humor, and fairy-tale dreaminess to the stage.
Text, direction: Veronika Pavelková
Dramaturgy: Martin Hodoň
Scene: Ivana Macková
Costumes: Jana Korčeková
Music collaboration: Peter Dombrovský
Video projection: Boris Adamčík
Alice - Zuzana Marušinová
Mr. Mantis - Michal Heriban
Wolf, Matematix, Sindbad, Dad - Matej Marušin
The Very Evil Queen, Scheherazade,
Mutti - Lýdia Petrušová
Dwarf, Knight, Genie - Jaroslav Kyseľ
Crow - Michaela Čillíková