Snow Queen / Sněhová královna / divadlo Minor (CZ)


The story of one great childhood love, sacrifice, and redemption. A tale as delicate as a snowflake. A story that either happened or did not happen.

Premiere: 2.4.2017 / Minor Theatre, Prague

​Derniére: 25.11.2022 

Once upon a time, an evil wizard crafted a mirror with a peculiar power. Everything beautiful and good melted away in its reflection, while all wickedness and malice appeared much clearer, taking on an even uglier form. One day, the mirror shattered, and thousands of shards scattered into the world. One of them struck a boy named Kai. Can he be saved? Will his heart irreversibly turn into a dead piece of ice? Or can a girl named Gerda rescue him?

The story of one great childhood love, sacrifice, and redemption. A tale as delicate as a snowflake. A story that either happened or did not happen.


Script: Tomáš Jarkovský 

Direction, Choreography: Lenka Vagnerová 

Dramaturgy: Tomáš Jarkovský 

Set, Light Design: Jakub Kopecký 

Costumes: Kateřina Štefková 

Music: Dalibor Mucha, Lubomír Nohavica, Tomáš Vychytil Rehearsal Director: Andrea Opavská 

Assistant Costume Designer: Tereza Hrzánová 

Projection: Jakub Kopecký, Lunchmeat studio 

Animation: Lunchmeat studio 

Stage Management: Miroslav Dlouhý 

Performance Photography: Zbyněk Hrbata 


Snow Queen – Bára Mišíková 

Gerda – Anna Bubníková 

Kai – Pavol Smolárik 

Crow, Pivoňka – Fanny Barrouquére or Andrea Opavská 

Witch – Vendula Holičková 

Robber Girl, Pomněnka – Barbora Nechanická or Hedvika Řezáčová 

Reindeer, Tulip – Petr Reif 

Robber, Narcissus – Branislav Bašista 

Robber, Zvonek – Michal Heriban 

Band: Jan Hrovatitsch, Jan Matásek, Dalibor Mucha, Lubomír Nohavica, Hynek Obst, Tomáš Vychytil