100.80.40 - rats in the living room / études pathétiques / Micha Purucker (DE)


To begin, let's solve the riddle of 100.80.40. The year 2022 marks the 100th birthday of Pier Paolo Pasolini and the 80th birthday of Derek Jarman, and Rainer Werner Fassbinder died 40 years ago. 

After grappling with Giacometti, Bacon, Lassnig, Bowie and Genet, the choreographer Micha Purucker now explores the work and world of these three film directors and writers. One searches in vain for specific parallels to the works of art or biographies of the abovementioned artists. Instead, the evening is about a certain sensibility, a special aesthetic, the interaction with one another - as to be seen in their films and theatre pieces, close to melodrama. 

Author Christoph Klimke has written three new poems in which he contributes his view of the three protagonists. Different narratives, time levels and places are reflected in an arena that extends into the depths of three spaces: dynamic sequences coagulate into tableaux vivants; group actions end as solos; and the hall opens at the rear wall to reveal the backstage area.

photo: Franz Kimmel
photo: Franz Kimmel

Premiére: 4. 3. 2023 / Tréningová akadémia Miletičova, Bratislava

Eine Choreographie von Micha Puruckermit Aurora Bonetti, Michal Heriban, Linus Jansner, Marcos Nacar, Christopher Robson, Anise Smith, Polina Sonis, Lina Wailzer

Sound: Robert Merdžo
Lichtdesign: Michael Kunitsch
Texte: Christoph Klimke
PR: Beate Zeller

Das Projekt wird gefördert vom Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München. Micha Purucker ist Mitglied von Tanztendenz München e.V.