L’amour des trois oranges / Láska ke třem pomerančům / Sergej Prokofjev / Prague National Theater (CZ)
Have you heard the one about the hypochondriac prince falling in love with three ... oranges?

Premiere May 16, 2019
The National Theatre Prague
Approximate running time
2 hours 20 minutes, 1 intermission (20 minutes) minutes
In French, surtitles in Czech, English
The old Italian fairy tale about a prince who goes out into the world so as to seek three mysterious oranges and after overcoming numerous life-threatening obstacles finds in one of them his princess. The fable's teeming with wild fantasy might have been the reason why it has so attracted those who primarily treasure playfulness, joy and wit in theatre. The Italian dramatist Carlo Gozzi, who seasoned it with bizarre commedia dell'arte elements; the Russian avant-garde stage director Vsevolod Meyerhold, who adapted the original play for modern theatre; the composer Sergey Prokofiev, who made from it a zany and moving opera; and the director and mime artist Radim Vizváry, who has created the current production. Yet another musical fairy tale for the whole family!
Stage direction and Movement collaboration Radim Vizváry
Sets Boris Kudlička
Costumes Natalia Kitamikado
Light design Karel Šimek
Chorus master Jan Bubák
Dramaturgy Ondřej Hučín