dark angels / Micha Purucker (DE)
Two solos that Micha Purucker has developed for the Slovak dancer Michal Heriban. The foundation is a montage of questions and answers from interviews with deceased artists.

dark angels
Two solos that Micha Purucker has developed for the Slovak dancer Michal Heriban. The foundation is a montage of questions and answers from interviews with deceased artists.
"es heisst, sie wohnten in kleinen hotels…" draws from material about the French writer Jean Genet and was first shown in December 2018. (Premiere: December 15, 2018, schwere reiter, Munich)
The person featured in "deviant answers – local time" from 2017 is to be guessed. The logic of movement and dance undermines the presumed precision of language and its fixations. It revolves around approaches to situations and individuals – the familiarity of the artists, their background, and their works serve as the invisible framework for a choreographic journey between and beyond the words.
(Premiere: November 29, 2017, schwere reiter, Munich)
Choreography: Micha Purucker
Dance: Michal Heriban
Music: Robert Merdžo
Lighting: Michael Kunitsch
Videos: Batz / Purucker
With the kind support of the Cultural Department of the City of Munich and BLZT, Bavarian Association for Contemporary Dance with funds from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art, as well as artblau Tanzwerkstatt. Micha Purucker is a member of Tanztendenz München e.V.