grace under pressure - studies in space / Micha Purucker (DE)
A choreographic exploration of Christian pictorial motifs
In the infinite treasury of Western painting and church decoration, certain pictorial inventions and themes are like visual revenants that continue to shape contemporary pictorial creation and viewing habits. "grace under pressure" is an exemplary stress test in the form of a scenic palimpsest focussing on the baroque – dynamic and static, exuberant and sober.
... the Baroque period seems very topical to me at the moment – in its "precarious vitality" ... a special form of exceptional state, boundless, stormy and somehow comforting ... Micha Purucker

Eine Choreographie von Micha Purucker
mit Aurora Bonetti, Michal Heriban, Marcos Nacar, Hikaru Osakabe, Anise Smith, Polina Sonis
Sound: Robert Merdžo
Lichtdesign: Michael Kunitsch
Werkstatt: Manuela Müller, Marius Visean
PR: Beate Zeller
Foto: Hanne Weyh
Das Projekt wird gefördert vom Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München. Micha Purucker ist Mitglied von Tanztendenz München e.V.
world premiere: January 9, 2025, 8 pm, schwere reiter
further performances: January 10 + 11, 2025, 8 pm