(Cyborg) Creation 2013 / Jana Tereková (SK)


Site-specific project. Dance performance by Company elledanse on the Bratislava waterfront. A commemoration of washed-away memories, the strength of family ties, and the coexistence of generations.

Premiére: 18.11. 2013, Nu Dance Fest 2013, A4, Bratislava

A cyborg represents the synthesis of organic and mechanical parts. Mechanical components are usually non-removable, and their assembly or disassembly is performed through a surgical procedure. In a cyborg, both the organic and mechanical parts are always present. The will can be partially or completely suppressed during the procedure or the production of a cyborg.

Concept by J. Tereková 

Choreography and dance by J. Tereková, E. Lacková, M. Heriban 

Music by J. Champagnon 

Costumes and set by M. Heriban 

Poetry by M. Habaj 

Production by bees-R

The project was supported by the Intenda Foundation. Special thanks to J. Némethova and the Adamante dance school.